There are some things that are just not meant to be, even though you try hard to establish them.

We’ve all experienced it – that car we desperately wanted was sold before we could get the down payment together; maybe it was a dream house that will always remain a dream.
There are also times when you possess something but you can’t keep it.
I remember when I was a kid and my dad bought a curious looking game. It had an octagon shape much like that of a crokinole board, but the structure was more like a pool table.
The sides were cushioned like a pool table and green felt covered the surface. You even used billiard balls and a cue stick to hit the balls, but there were bumper pegs in the centre of the table and on either sides of the two holes that were across from each other.
My brother and I played a lot the first week we had it, but there was something wrong with one or two of the bumper pegs.
So after just a week of playing the game, my dad took it back. I had hoped that he would replace it with a new one … that didn’t happen.
I’m not sure if they didn’t have any more or if it was just not a very good quality table, but that was it; we didn’t see the table again. I guess having a bumper pool table was not meant to be.
… In the last few days I’ve had a very similar experience.
A few weeks ago I wrote about my first experience with my new paddle board (read about it here).
I owned it for a month and got to use it once before it broke. But I was not giving up on paddle boarding that easily, so we took it back and got a new one.
I had to wait a week before I could use it because I put my back out, but I finally got the board out on the water and both Lily and I had some fun.
I got the hang of it pretty well and even took it out on rough water and was able to keep my balance … for the most part.
When our vacation came to an end, we deflated the paddle board and rolled it up.
When we got home, there was a letter from the company that made the paddle board. It was a recall letter. The words that were highlighted were “stop using the paddle board immediately”. We were informed to return it and get a refund.
I was definitely disappointed because, after using it a few times, I was hooked.
I spent the next several days looking in stores and online for a new paddle board. There’s many out there but there are very few 15 foot tandem boards. And the one’s I’ve seen are very pricey – double what we paid for ours.
After a week-long search we still have not been able to secure one. I’m starting to think, it was just not meant to be.
Here’s the thing: There are times when you pray very diligently and earnestly for something. There may even be times when it seems that you have great hope of receiving what you are praying for. There are signs or partial conformation that you will receive the answer you are looking for. But if the answer to your prayer doesn’t materialize, understand that God’s will and purpose is ultimately what you want. Be content that God knows best and maybe it was just not meant to be.
That’s Life!
Question: What is something you should leave in God’s hands? Leave your comments and questions below.
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