I was ready; I had my things all set to go. I just needed to get there in time, or so I thought.
We were up at our cottage and the sun was finally going to come out at the end of the day. I thought this was my chance to finally film a sunset with my drone.
Not long ago, I wrote how I lost a drone in an attempt to get some video of a sunset over Lake Huron (read here).
Well, after that disaster, I got a replacement drone and this was the first time I was back at the cottage with it.
I wasn’t sure I would get a chance to capture a sunset; it had been cloudy most of the day. But I was going to be ready … just in case.
I had charged the battery and had my phone, which acts as the controller for the drone, charging as well.
I knew I was set, but as it got closer to the time that the sun would sink below the horizon, I got busy doing something else.
So though I was all ready to go, I suddenly had to fly into hurry mode, to gather my equipment and head down to the beach.
I walked as fast as I could, but my sore ribs from a mountain bike crash a week earlier (read here) kept me at a slower pace than I wanted to go.
The sun was still in the sky as we got onto the beach, but I knew it would drop fairly quickly out of sight.
I synced the drone with the controller and waited, not very patiently, as it acquired the necessary satellites to operate.
It seemed to take forever, but finally was able to take off. I cautiously wanted to keep it from flying out over the water like the last time I tried to film a sunset, so I didn’t take it up too high.
I thought I would snap a few pictures first, although when I went to do that I didn’t hear the usual shutter sound. That didn’t stop me from taking a few more.
Then I turned on the video camera and that’s when I realized I had all my stuff ready to go except one thing.
Nothing happened when I pressed “record”, but a little dialogue box came up on my screen. It read, “no SD card on board”.
“Whaaaaaat?!”, I muttered. And then I remembered the one thing I didn’t do was put the SD card into the drone. It was back at the cottage.
Unbelievable! I had been dying to take some sunset scenes at the beach; I even lost a drone doing it. Now, after anticipating it for so long, I had forgotten to bring the little card that would enable me to record the sight.
This picture is the scene I missed capturing with my drone.
Here’s the thing: You can think you are ready for what is coming next. You can have your relationships in order, your finances in order, even have your health right where you want it to be. But if you miss one thing – a relationship with God through Christ – you will miss capturing what will matter to you eternally. Don’t neglect those things that you think are secondary or down the road. Be ready now.
That’s Life!
Question: What have you missed that was really important? Leave your comments below.