We should collectively schedule things as a community. … That might sound a little controlling, but I think it would give us more peace in the long run.

I’m certainly not advocating having to do everything at the same time as everyone else in the community. I just have one thing in mind.
We are already sort of scheduled in our city as to when we can use our washing machines at home. The city charges us more money for using electricity and water at certain times of the day. They basically want everyone to do their washing in the evening or early mornings.
It’s not a forced thing, but you pay more if you don’t bend to the community’s wishes.
At times the city has also issued a watering ban for households. We can only water our grass on even or odd numbered days, depending on our house numbers.
Therefore, we basically have a precedent for getting everybody on the same schedule.
I’m thinking it would be nice to get everyone on the same grass mowing schedule.
It wouldn’t be necessary if everyone had an electric lawnmower, but with so many gas grass cutters, it would really help.
At my cottage we are in a community and, though the properties are small, there are a lot of them. There is no mistaking the sound when someone pulls out their Briggs and Stratton and pulls the chord.
The guy that designed the mufflers for lawnmowers must have once worked for Harley Davidson. Every gas lawnmower sounds like a 750 cc roadster! If you close your eyes you can picture the guys from the movie, “Easy Rider”, cruising down the highway.
A lawn doesn’t take that much time to cut. But what’s bad about it is that somehow the noise gives other people the idea that it’s time to cut their lawn too.
They don’t get out there together at the same time. Instead, it’s more like a chain reaction. When one lawnmower stops, another one starts right up.
You can hear the sound of lawnmowers for an hour or more.
Especially when I’m at the cottage, I want peace and quiet.
I want to hear the sounds of birds chirping, crickets cricketing, and paint drying. – Yes, I want that sound over the sound of some four stroke engine, winding up to top speed.
And then there’s the guy who made the mistake of putting his weed eater gas into his lawnmower tank. That oil and gas mixture makes a lawnmower sound like a sixteen year old with an old car, trying to impress the girls by continually revving his engine.
So if we could schedule everyone to get out there and cut their grass on Saturdays at, say, 11 am, well, that would be just great.
We could all wear ear plugs or put in head phones and listen to music.
… And I would have some peace the rest of the day.
Here’s the thing: There is a lot of sound in our world. All that noise will drown out hearing what God might want to say to you. Take time in the peaceful part of the day to read and listen to God for His guidance, encouragement and even His correction. God likes it when the sounds of other things are quieted in us.
That’s Life!
Question: When is the peaceful time of your day? Leave your comments and questions below.
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