Bald People Don’t Have Issues With Hats

I wouldn’t say this often, but there are times it’s better to be bald … like when you need to cover your head with a hat.

bald head

It sounds kind of strange, but I’m having a bad hair day today and the only thing that is going to help it right now is a hat.

I know that some people struggle with their hair every day but I don’t usually have issues with mine. I have the kind of hair that pretty much stays where I put it in the morning. And for most of the time, that’s a good thing.

In the last ten years, I’ve noticed my hair has thinned out a bit, but it still performs the way I want it to … most of the time.

The good thing about hair like mine is that I don’t have to comb it throughout the day to keep it in place. My hair knows where it’s to go and it remains there all day.

When I was a youth pastor, the students in my group found this curious at times. They would come and mess up my hair just to test it. All I would do is give my hair a few quick flicks of my fingers and it was back in place.

If I went out into a wind storm, same thing. I would just run my fingers through my hair and I was good to go.

The downside with this type of hair is its strength: my hair stays put.

When I put on a hat, my hair forms to the hat and when I take it off, it stays that way.

After a night of sleep, often my hair needs a little coaxing to get into place. But if I’m just going out to play hockey, I will slip on a ball cap and go.

After hockey and a shower, I usually don’t put my hat back on. But today I did. My hair was a little damp; I threw on the hat and went home. At home I didn’t need the hat so I took it off.

That’s when the comments started arriving fast and furiously.

“Dad, your hair is wild today,” my daughter said with a laugh. She was home for a quick visit and after her vicious comments, I was glad it was a quick visit.

Lily chimed in and said, “She’s right, dear. Your hair is something else today!” and chuckled.

I had hat hair and I really didn’t care about it that much. I just wished my family was a little more supportive.

Later in the day, I was stepping out to pick up some wings for dinner. My son was home at the time, and as I went to the door he simply said, “Uh, Dad, you better wear a hat”, with a smirk on his face.

Lily just laughed. I slapped the cap on and headed out the door.

I just wonder how it would have gone if I had have made those comments to Lily about her hair.

Here’s the thing: Our minds and hearts perform much like my hair does. My hair forms to where I put it or what I put on it. Your mind and heart form to what you put in it. So if you want a mind and a heart that is forming to God, feed your mind the things of God: read his Word and spend time with Him in prayer.

That’s Life!


Question: What kinds of things do you put in your mind to form it? Leave your comments below.

You Have More Connections Than You Know

I’ve met people who seem to have connections with everyone, but we’re all pretty connected. What I mean is we all know people who know others who we know.


You don’t go too long before you bump into people you know, or who know someone you know. Every time Lily, my wife, goes shopping it seems she meets people she knows.

What is really amazing is finding you have a common connection with someone who lives on the other side of the country.

With travel being so easy and available, it’s hard not to find connections between people. Still,  it’s not like you can go up to someone who lives in California and say ‘I know a guy who lives in LA. Do you know him?”

We chuckle at that kind of thinking, but seriously, we can run into people in far away places and find that we have a connection …

On our trip to Mexico, I ran into high school friends at the airport. We live in different cities, been out of high school for 40 years, and have not consciously made contact or kept in touch over that time.

Yet there we were, flying on the same airline to the same destination, staying at the same resort for the same length of time. Wow, that was freaky!

Yet even more far out than that was a couple Lily and I met while waiting for a shuttle bus to take us from our resort to a nearby town to go shopping.

We were waiting for the shuttle when a couple came up to us and asked if we were going into Playa del Carmen. After we said yes, the husband asked where we were from.

I told him we were from Kingston, Ontario, and then to be polite to these total strangers, I asked where they were from.

Their reply was, “Edmonton, Alberta”, but then they corrected themselves by saying, “actually, we live in Sherwood Park”.

Since Lily and I had lived in Edmonton for eleven years, we told them we knew exactly where that was.

I mentioned that I had been a pastor at Beulah Alliance Church in Edmonton, and that we have a sister church, Sherwood Park Alliance Church, in their area. … Beulah and Sherwood Park are both large churches so I figured even if they didn’t go to church they might have heard of one or both of these churches.

Their response was very interesting. Their children attended the school that was associated with Sherwood Park Alliance.

To that I responded, “Oh, I think I used to know the principal of that school; I played soccer in college with him,” and then uttered his name.

Their eyes got all big and they said they knew him very well.

So there we were at a resort near Playa del Carmen, Mexico, by chance meeting people who lived on the other side of Canada from us, and we both knew the same person.

How’s that for a connection?

Here’s the thing: In life there are many connections just waiting to be uncovered. Spiritually, God wants to reveal His connection to us through His Son, Jesus. Don’t be shy about uncovering or developing that connection with Christ Jesus.

That’s Life!


Question: What has been your most amazing connection with someone? Leave your comment below.

The Genius Behind Garage Sales

On Saturday my church held a ginormous garage sale – it was so big we called it a yard sale. When you get dozens of families contributing household items for the same cause, it gets big fast.

photo 17

The purpose was to raise money for one of our kids’ programs. And we did just that – close to $3000! The church got behind it and a lot of people pitched in.

But in my last blog, I wrote about how I don’t like garage sales (you can read that blog here), so you have to wonder, have I changed my mind? Am I now a diehard garage sale proponent?

Well, not exactly. But the yard sale did great and I even found a few items that I claimed as treasures.

Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of junk – tons of junk! And when I first saw the piles of it, all I could think of was, “Does anybody own a garbage truck, and how quickly can we get it over here?” But the piles kept shrinking!

The day of the sale was not the greatest. We had some rain, so people walked away with purchased items that were already slightly washed and wiped down.

We collected a dollar here and fifty cents there, and it all added up to a sizeable pot in the end.  There were hot dogs being sold, cars getting washed, baking being eaten; people talking, telling stories, and laughing. It was a great time.

I couldn’t help but make some observations about it all:

The first thing I noticed was that there was a lot of things sold to those of us who were running the yard sale. We now all have some things from each other’s homes. For instance, I now have some of Bob’s stuff and Adrian’s stuff.

In the future, we should just swap ten items with someone else in the church and do it every seven years. That’s close to being Biblical … in a completely wrong kind of way.

Another thing was there was an awful lot of socializing going on. Other than the super sellers (like my wife), a lot of us just hung around, talked with each other, helped a few people, and talked some more.

It turned out really well for bonding as a church. We shared an experience together, one that created some good memories.

The other thing I noticed was the effort that everyone put into setting up and taking down. It was amazing to see the coordinated work from so many people, young and old, getting the church parking lot and foyer back to looking the way it should for the next day (Sunday).

I was really proud of my church! The people who came got a good taste of what we’re like at KAC. … And that made it worth putting on and attending a yard sale.

Here’s the thing: Sometimes we get our focus on the wrong things at church. We evaluate the building, the service style, or the available programs. We might get focussed on the quality of the worship or the pastor’s sermon. But what’s really important are the people, and how they work together. A church is not a building – it’s God’s people who gather together in the same place of worship. We shouldn’t ever forget that.

That’s Life!


Question: When have you seen people working really well together? Leave your comment below.