It is amazing how we can do something we haven’t done in years and muscle memory kicks in.

There is this old saying, “It’s like riding a bike”. Once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget no matter how much time has passed.
This is true with a lot of things. I remember driving somewhere with my wife, Lily, and a song came on the radio. I hadn’t heard that song for maybe twenty years, but as soon as the first note struck, I knew all the words. And I could whistle the guitar solo like I heard the song yesterday.
There is something called muscle memory. We use this term to describe all kinds of activities we can just pick up and do even after a long period of not doing them.
It’s not really muscle memory, but it’s similar. Muscle memory is when a muscle that was previously exercised will gain strength and volume quicker than a muscle that has previously not been trained.
Whatever term we use, we all know it has something to do with picking up where we left off. Your body or mind don’t forget what you have already done and learned.
As a kid I learned how to yo-yo at my dad’s variety store. The yo-yo man would come by and line us up and teach us tricks every year.
That was many years ago, and as a married adult I remember one time being with my dad in a department store. I came across an aisle that had some novelty toys in it. There were some yo-yo’s there so I picked one up. It had been a long time since I had spun a yo-yo.
When my dad saw me with a yo-yo in hand he grabbed one too and, for about ten minutes, we put on a show for the modestly growing crowd that formed.
My dad and I did tricks with those tops that we had not done in decades. It just all came back.
Well, the other day I had a similar experience. I was about to preach a sermon for the first time in almost two years. I didn’t think much of it when I was asked, but as the date came closer, I had some doubts about speaking.
Lily had even noticed the week of that I was a little uptight and a bit short with her at times. She wondered if it was because I was slightly nervous about preaching.
The morning of I felt a little nervous.
You know, standing in front of a bunch of people you don’t want to have a brain freeze or to get all shaky.
When I was introduced, I took a big breath and whispered to Lily, “Here goes nothing.”
I walked up to the platform, still a little nervous. I put my Bible and iPad down on the podium, looked up and started talking.
Almost immediately after I opened my mouth, I relaxed and the 37 years of speaking in front of people kicked in.
I knew I would be okay.
Here’s the thing: When there has been some time since you last connected with God in prayer, that old relationship, the words you used to express your love and hope in Him, will all come back. It’s not like starting from scratch; it’s like muscle memory. You pick up talking and listening to God like you never stopped. So what are you waiting for? Take time today to spend with your Lord and Saviour in prayer.
That’s Life!
Question: How long has it been since you just sat quietly before God and sensed His presence with you?
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