Making a purchase is better when you don’t have anyone interjecting negativity.

Some people call that making a snap purchase, where the mood or the moment hits you and you strike the deal. Others say that emotions and persuasion put the pressure on you to buy.
But none of that is necessarily true.
We’ve probably all been there, where we have done the research, looked at the purchase from many angles, but then had some voice of reason or restraint nix the desired acquisition.
I remember when my brother and I were little, we had begged our mom to let us go to the store to buy some candy.
In a moment of weakness she said we could.
John and I immediately trotted off to our bedroom to get our cash. We had little change purses that we started loading up from our piggy banks. We thought they would be easier to carry to the convenience store than our piggy banks.
The intent was to take every penny – and I literally mean pennies – because you never know how much some candy is going to cost.
Our mother walked into our bedroom right in the middle of us trying to squeeze the last cent into our little wallets. She said, “No way, boys. You are not going to the store now.” I guess she didn’t like our desires to spend our life savings on candy.
She was the negative voice … mom would have characterized herself as the voice of reason.
Sometimes you don’t need that voice. Sometimes you don’t want that voice to impact your decision to buy things. Sometimes you seize a moment when there are no discouraging voices to throw you off your intent.
One of those times for me was the purchase of a leaf mulcher. I purchased that when Lil had gone on a trip and I needed to collect the leaves in the yard.
That purchase was researched and thought through and fifteen years later I’m still glad I made that purchase.
Well, I just did it again.
Lily was away on a business trip and I had recently had a friend speak highly of the FoodSaver vacuum seal machines. Years ago I had thought it might be something we should have, but never got any good vibes from Lily on it.
With Lily away and a renewed interest in sucking the life out of food products in order to freeze them fresh, I started to research.
I checked them out at a few different establishments and got an idea of what the average price would be. It didn’t take long. The second store I went to had a great deal that included freezing bags and all.
Before I could blink, I was in the checkout line at Costco and then walking out with my new FoodSaver machine.
The first day I froze bread and pizza. … I can hardly wait to freeze chicken wings.
And when I thawed the frozen bread I packaged with my new purchase, it tasted like it had just come out of the bread maker.
Another great purchase!
Here’s the thing: There are times when having someone speak into your life is best. There are times when you get a sense of what God wants you to do. It might be a confession you should make or an action you should take. God may give you a path forward on a decision you’ve been contemplating. When He does, take the course He is setting you on and don’t look for negative voices. They will only impede you in doing what you know is best for you.
That’s Life!
Question: What is it that you just need to follow through on right now? Leave your comments and questions below.
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