I think I might be changing my mind about the vaccination passports.

I can’t say that I ever liked to have to show proof that I’m vaccinated when going to a restaurant or a hockey game, but maybe there is a place for these passports in our society.
Ontario was late getting their electronic QR code all set up, but we have been showing proof of vaccination since the fall.
I had a pretty neat set up with my vaccination receipt and a picture of my driver’s licence on the same page in my phone.
There was no fumbling, no scrolling, searching for another document. I just showed the person at the door my page. They squinted for a few moments until their eyes adjusted to the 6 pt type size on the document.
When I had to, I made the switch and conveniently was able to put my driver’s licence picture on the same screen as my QR code. So it worked easily for me.
It still is a hassle. You can’t just enter an establishment. You have to line up to prove you are allowed to be there.
Remember the days when we never thought of pulling out our wallet or phone until we got to the cash on the way out, or until the waiter or waitress handed us the machine at our table to pay?
Those were truly the good old days, weren’t they? And we are going back to them very soon.
I can hardly wait in one sense, but in another I’m thinking it’s too bad because I’ve just discovered something really good about vaccination passports. And it all has to do with going to the movies.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve seen two movies in the theatre. One of them Lily wanted to see and the other I really had to see. It was my duty.
Anyway, both times we arrived at the theatre there was a line of people outside waiting to get in. The line was because it takes time to show your credentials to get into the movie.
The theatre is still not that busy and they have a very large lobby. But for some reason, they want to scan your QR code just inside the doors, which means you are standing outside until it’s your turn to show your code.
But here is the best part and why maybe we should keep the passports for a while – at least at theatres: The people scanning that black and white square piece of art on your phone are so focussed on that that they don’t verify if you even have a movie ticket.
That’s right, the last two movies I went to I didn’t need to buy a ticket. All I needed was my QR code and driver’s license.
All I can say is I’m glad I only paid the senior’s rate. It was Lily who paid the big bucks to see those two flicks.
Here’s the thing: I think some people think that when they get to heaven, God will look at all the good things they did and just forget about the bad – maybe just overlook the bad because of all the good. But God doesn’t work that way. It’s the bad that separates us from Him and no amount of good on our part can overcome the bad. It is only by the sacrifice of Jesus that we can have a relationship with God. By putting your faith in Christ, He takes away all the bad. That’s something to think about.
That’s Life!
Question: What is something you overlook that you shouldn’t? Leave your comments and questions below.
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