It’s better to lead with what you have than to try to cover up what you don’t have.

Maybe you’ve gone to a restaurant and right on the menu they list the items they have at the time. Sometimes the server will tell you, before you order, what items on the menu they have run out of.
The worst is when you are given a menu and you zero in on something you want. By the time the server comes to take your order you have your heart set on it. Then when you tell him what you want, he says, “Oh I’m sorry; we ran out of that a little while ago.”
You then have to get your mind and taste buds reset all over again … that is, unless you had a pretty good second choice picked out.
There is a website that I order glasses from about once a year.
On the order form I can choose a number of things like the strength of the lens, whether I want a case and what colour I want the rims to be. But I also have to give them a second choice on the colour, just in case my first choice is not available.
So before I place my order I know that I might not get my first choice, but I’ve chosen an alternative that I will be satisfied with.
Just imagine going to a restaurant and, after you made your menu selection, you anticipate sinking your teeth into a thick juicy steak. But when your meal comes to your table, the server says, “We were out of steak, so I’ve brought you grilled salmon instead.”
No thanks.
It’s best to just be upfront and say what you don’t have and not lead people along.
The other day I went to Swiss Chalet to pick up some chicken dinners for four people. The meal comes with fries and a bun.
The girl at the take out window asked me if I would like white buns with that. I always get white buns, so I said “yes” right away. But then I thought the others might rather have whole wheat. So I said, “No, make it two white and two whole wheat.”
The cashier looked at me completely serious and said, “We only have white buns.”
I chuckled out loud and replied, “Well, I guess I will have white buns then.”
I figured my reaction of chuckling at her might change her approach next time. It didn’t.
The very next person was asked the same question: “Would you like a white bun with that? The woman replied, “No, I’ll have the whole wheat.”
The server reiterated, “Oh, well, we only have white buns.”
Girl, find new approach! Maybe lead with, “We only have white buns right now; is that all right?”
I wish I could have stayed longer to see how many more times she used the same approach, but they called my name and I left with my order … including my four white buns.
Here’s the thing: When King Solomon finished building the temple in Jerusalem, God said, “If you follow my statutes and rules, you will always have an heir on the throne in Israel.” That’s how God is with us. We know what He expects and wants from us. There is no guessing, no surprise response from Him. God always leads with what He expects. He never covers it up.
That’s Life!
Question: When are you tempted not to say what you expect? Leave your comments and questions below.
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