When the season changes, letting go of some things and move on to other things is pretty normal.

Certainly that’s true with the NHL hockey playoffs. My team is now out and they’re down to four teams. The weather is getting nicer, there are bigger breaks between games and it seems like the playoffs are just dragging on.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before but my daughter was born the night Calgary won the Stanley Cup back in 1989. That was May 25. Now 34 years later we have another month before a team will walk away with the cup.
I’m ready to watch golf Sunday afternoons and not be glued to a TV Saturday nights for the next four weeks.
It’s light outside for longer in the evenings; there is more to do outside in the summer. I’d really be happy if hockey season was over.
There are so many other things that can take its place – things you can’t do in the winter months.
For me there is golf. I’m looking forward to playing more this season than I have in the past number of years. In fact, I’m playing this weekend which I’m quite excited for.
I’ve also started mountain biking again. I’ve already been out several times. It’s always interesting to bike the trails when the leaves haven’t fully come out yet. You see the trails differently from when everything is lush with colour. I like this transition time.
There are other things as well, like getting to the cottage.
We spent the last week puttering around Sauble Beach. Though it was too cold to go in the water, it didn’t stop Lily and I from going for a 10 km walk along the beach at sundown. Our first sunset of the season and it certainly didn’t disappoint.
… I will say our legs were a little rubbery when we got back to the cottage.
New seasons are for letting some things go while picking new things up. However, this year I’m a little sad to let one thing go.
Next week will be my last hockey game until fall. Yes, I said I was ready to let hockey go, but I meant watching hockey on TV.
Other years I was also glad when I stopped playing. This year, however, it’s different. I’m sad it’s coming to an end even though I’ve played more hockey this year than I have in a long, long time.
From February to the middle of April I played 4 to 5 times a week. Since then I’ve played on average twice a week. You might think I’ve had my fill, but I would still like to play a little in the off-season.
It’s a satisfying feeling showing up to a cold arena in shorts and sandals, hockey bag slung over your shoulder. It’s hard to describe, but the contrasts put a smile on my face.
So this year it will be hard to let go until the seasons change again.
Here’s the thing: I’ve been thinking that sometimes we let go of speaking up for God. The world doesn’t want to hear it; there is pressure to keep silent. But I was reminded in my time with God this morning that every voice matters. Whether it’s a quiet voice to a few people or through a new medium, God wants us to keep speaking up for Him. There are many other voices that seek to drown Him out, but as for me, I want to keep my voice being heard. I don’t want to let go of speaking of God’s love and goodness to us all.
That’s Life!
Question: What do you want to hang on to in this new season of life? Leave your comments and questions below.
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