My Empty Sign Has Me Thinking Of Its Future

My sign is empty and I don’t know what to fill it with. I’ve always had something to put on my sign … so is this the end?

my empty sign has me thinking of its future

I’m wondering, “Do I just take the sign down and forget about it?”

There have been times when I struggled to come up with something to write about for this blog, but I never seriously considered discontinuing it. Sure the thought crossed my mind, but my page never stayed empty long enough for me to give up on it.

My sign has been empty for a couple of weeks and, for two weeks before that, it had an outdated message on it.

Maybe I should explain myself … 

On a dividing wall between our living room and kitchen we have a wooden frame that you can arrange letters on. There are several lines in this frame and I put messages on it. 

Some messages anticipate something special coming up like our daughter’s wedding or an important birthday. Some of the messages reflect what is going on in my head and emotions. And then there are some messages that are whimsical like a line from a song that introduces a season of weather. 

We got this frame about three years ago when we were on vacation at our cottage. One day we took a trip into town and since Lily likes going to the store, Winners, we ended up there. 

I don’t really like going in there but when I finished touring through the neighbouring Princess Auto store, well, then I joined her in Winners.

When we’re on vacation, we don’t really have an agenda. So I just wandered around seeing if anything caught my eye. I had no hopes of anything; there was nothing I was particularly looking for. 

My job was complete and Lily had found what she wanted so we made our way to the cashier. 

They are smart at Winners. You don’t just go up to the cashier. You have to weave your way through low-lying shelves on both sides of you where you are tempted and tested to pick up items you have no desire for and know you shouldn’t buy … but they are staring right at you, looking homeless on the shelves. 

Well, just as we were about to enter this tunnel of temptation, I saw this message board and it grabbed my attention. 

I don’t know why, but I wanted it. I thought it would be great to put weekly or daily inspirational messages on it. 

So we bought it. 

Since that time, I’ve been the sign guy. I’ve always had something to fill up the spaces on the rows. But in this last month, I’ve lost my desire to even think of something to put on that message board. It’s been empty now for two weeks.

I think either I come up with a message today, or the last phrase I will put on that sign is “All good things come to an end”. 

Here’s the thing: Like with my empty sign when you go through a dry spell connecting with God, you might consider not trying any more. But you have to ask yourself, “How important is my relationship with God?” Is it something I should cast aside, or just ignore? Then try a new approach, get a devotional guide, connect in a different spot or at a different time. Put the effort into finding new ways to connect with Him.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to put some renewed effort into? Leave your comments and questions below.

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The Perfect Message Can Be Very Illusive

Lately I’ve been trying to come up with the perfect message. 

the perfect message can be very illusive

No, I’m not referring to preaching a perfect sermon. That’s not what I’m talking about. 

I do remember when Dave Stieb, a long time pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays, wrote a book. He titled it “Tomorrow I’ll Be Perfect”. The pour guy could have had several perfect games if his defence behind him could have helped out a bit. 

I’m also not referring to being perfect at what I do. 

We have a sign board in our home. It’s the kind that you put letters on and create a message for others to read. It’s not permanent; I can change it any time I want. 

Sometimes the message reflects the time of year, and sometimes it announces a special event or occasion. 

Last year we had a message up there for a long time. It was a countdown to my daughter’s wedding day. That one took work. I had to change the numbers on it every day. 

Every time I change the sign, I’m looking for the perfect message to put on it. I want it to be witty or funny or profound – something that will cause people to think.

It’s not easy, and maybe that’s why I don’t change it very often. When I get a good message, I like to milk it for a while. 

But I need to change it now. I have a son who’s turning 30 and a nephew who’s going overseas for 4 years. It really needs to be the right mix of letters.

I wish my dad was around to help me. He was the king of messages. 

When I was in college out west, he would write me often. For a while I received cards in the mail from him on a weekly basis. 

They weren’t greeting cards. They were just card stock paper he cut to size (about 5”x4”). He would address them on one side and write his message on the other. 

From his readings he would write out an inspirational message to me. It was usually some saying to motivate me.

I looked forward to those cards, and I always wondered how many other people benefitted from reading them, before they passed them on in the sorting line.

We see messages everywhere these days – probably more than ever before. 

Every store or building you enter has a message, usually COVID related. Some stores ask you to pause and read their messages … even though after a year of COVID I think we know them off by heart. 

This morning I’m looking for the perfect message. And I know there’s one for this time and this family. 

I just need to dig deep and come up with something that will speak to the moment and inspire those who read it. 

Here’s the thing: God has given us the greatest message of all time. That message culminates in our celebration of Easter in a couple of weeks. The message is inspirational and personal. It’s the message of the gospel that God loves you and made provision by sending His Son, Jesus, to die for you, so that you could experience God’s love. Be sure to consider this message this year as we turn our attention to Christ’s great sacrifice on the cross. 

That’s Life!


Question: What would be the message you want your family to read right now? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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