I’m wondering if a new study could correlate the level of anxiety people have about the coronavirus with how much mainline media they watch.

A study might prove that we are way more likely to believe what we hear, see or read in the news than we were years ago … I mean from when I was growing up.
If something is said on the news today, we accept it and grapple with it from the standpoint that it is 100% correct.
Here’s why I think that.
I don’t remember ever having a snow day when I was in school. Surely we don’t receive more snow, heavier snow, deeper snow and freezing rain now with global warming than we did when I was growing up.
I remember days that the snow would be over our boots with a layer of ice on top. We didn’t get to stay home. Our walk to school was just more of an adventure.
I remember skating up and down my street because it was so icy, but I don’t remember my dad staying home from work.
When I grew up, the weatherman was the comedy section of the newscast. He was wrong more than he was right.
Today we believe the weatherman. Granted he is more right now than years ago but, along with believing him, I bet a study would show we have become more anxious about going out in what we might have years ago called, “weather”.
When we hear something on the news, facts are used to create an emotional response in us. That means facts are presented in such a way as to get us to feel something. Some facts may not be presented, and sometimes facts may be skewed a little to steer us in the way the news station wants us to think.
I believe more and more people don’t think for themselves but rather form their opinions, ideas and arguments based on what they are given by mainstream news.
For instance, our prime minister has been holed up in his home for over three months. He has suspended the government from meeting, and given daily press conferences, urging us to social distance, stay home, stay safe.
But then he showed up at a protest, having his picture taken surrounded by people pressing in on him, none of whom were practicing any kind of social distancing.
So what is right? Should we stay home? Should we social distance?
Should the prime minister be torched by the media for disregarding his own mantra and that of the medical community? Should he be crucified in the news for setting a horrible example and a double standard for all of Canada? Should he be held to a higher standard?
Well, he is not. In fact, that wasn’t even the subject of the news. They focused on how aligned he was with the protest.
Why could he not show his support and comment from his little tent outside his home?
There is no logic, no consistency, no integrity in what he says about COVID.
The news wants you to be moved by the topic, regardless of how ludicrous it was for him to do what he did.
… And we buy into it.
Here’s the thing: Friends, truth matters and where you go to find truth matters. We must check our sources and apply good logic and wisdom to what we believe. God has given us His Word. I encourage you to check it out, investigate it and study it. I know if you do you will find it to be true – the Truth.
That’s Life!
Question: What do you believe right now that you have not checked out? Leave your comments and questions below.
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