We have a bit of a debate going on in our family that is centred on the condition of my face.

Something small should not be the centre of attention but in reality the small things often are. When you have a hang nail, it’s such a small thing but it really does take a lot of your attention. A sore baby toe can cause you to limp like you have a broken leg.
Of course your face is front and centre. It’s the feature that most people see right away. Your face naturally draws attention to it.
And I guess that is why we have this debate going on.
But still, I don’t tell Lily how to apply makeup or what kind of makeup she should put on. She determines what kind of hairstyle she will wear and, for that matter, when and where she will get her hair styled.
That’s why I’m surprised that my face is up for debate right now. After all, I’m just growing a little hair on it.
About a week ago, I was sick and while I was sick I didn’t shave for a few days. Normally I don’t go more than two days in a row without shaving. But the way things worked out, I didn’t shave for three days.
When I looked in the mirror that fourth day, I took a good long look and thought maybe I should grow this a little longer. I had a couple more days when I wouldn’t be facing anyone so I thought there was no harm in seeing how things would go.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve had facial hair.
Out of college I had a moustache that I didn’t shave off for 30 years. In 1998 I add a goatee and kept that for 16 years. My kids were in their twenties and had never seen me without facial hair.
Then, about 8 years ago, I shaved it all off. Other than a long adjustment period of wondering who the guy in the mirror was every morning, I haven’t thought about having facial hair since.
… Well, that was until this past week.
Now I’m interested in how it is coming in. My hair colour is more of a sandy blonde so it’s coming in very light. Some people say it’s coming in white or silver, but we will just call it “blonde”.
The problem is my wife, Lily, is dead set against it. She wants it gone. I want to see how it’s going to turn out.
She says she might go on strike. I’m not sure if that means I won’t be getting any meals or if I won’t be getting any kisses. … Maybe she means both.
All I know is that my facial hair seems to be coming in really nice and I’m liking what I see.
Besides it’s about -20 degrees outside and I could use a little face covering.
Here’s the thing: We often think that we are independent and can determine what we do and how we live. But in reality, our lives are really dependent. Others do have a say and ultimately God determines our eternity. It makes sense to have a right relationship with someone our life depends on.
That’s Life!
Question: What in your life is dependent on someone else? Leave your comments and questions below.
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