A truck is so convenient when you want to pick something up and take it home in your own vehicle. … I should have bought a truck.

But I did buy the next best thing: an SUV. You can pack some serious loads in that kind of vehicle.
When I think of it, I have always used my vehicles like they were trucks. Even when I had a two-door hatchback Buick Skyhawk, I used it like a truck.
When I was in college, my brother and I shingled the roof of our parents’ house. We didn’t have a truck to transport the packages of shingles from the store, but we had the Skyhawk. My brother made about a hundred and fifty trips to deliver them.
He learned really quickly that the shocks on the car couldn’t sustain more than a few packages of shingles at a time.
… But still I never thought of buying a truck.
A truck was never something I wanted, even though I have driven home from the hardware store with wood resting from the dashboard in front of the passenger seat, through to the back seat, out the open rear driver’s side window, as I hung my arm over the wood, like I was trying to make a move on the planks.
When I was in need of a vehicle to move to Alberta to begin my first job as a pastor, I asked my dad what would be a good car for me. His answer was, “Why don’t you buy a truck?”
I thought that was a crazy thought coming from him. My dad had never bought a truck and I could never see him owning one.
I asked, “Dad, why would I want to buy a truck?” and his reply was, “They all have them out there!”
I bought a four-door sedan.
Ya, I’ve never really considered owning or buying a truck, but I sure have used all my vehicles like they were trucks.
In this last month alone I’ve hauled a freezer and a treadmill in my SUV.
Both times the back seats had to be folded down, the front seats had to be moved as far forward as possible, and I had to bungee the rear gate down because the loads were too long to fit inside my truck … I mean, sport utility.
I have loaded so much stuff in my vehicles over the years, strapped things to the roof, and used a red flag to warn people driving behind me that I had long cargo.
… Maybe some day I will just break down and buy a truck.
But who am I kidding? My vehicles think they are under-sized, and under-classed trucks regardless.
Besides, by not having a truck I get fewer requests to help people move.
Here’s the thing: There are a lot of people who get by in life with their skill, wisdom, personality, cunning and luck. Most of the time, this collection of attributes serves them just fine. They can do pretty much whatever they need. But there are times when they also reach out to God, whether they believe in God or not. They ask Him for help when they are in a tight bind. They will call out His name in desperation. They will even wonder where He is in certain situations. They don’t see the need for God most of the time, but they will use Him like He is one of their attributes. What is best is to give God your life and enjoy the full benefits that come with belonging to Him.
That’s Life!
Question: What have you recently called on God for that was beyond your capacity? Leave your comments and questions below.