My Car Is Possibly Contracting The Corona Virus

I’m just wondering here, but can a car get the corona virus? I know it sounds like a crazy question, but I’ve seen some odd things on the roads lately.

My Car Is Possibly contracting the Corona virus
Single car parked on a top of a garage parking lot. View from the above.

Maybe it stems from what we are being told to do, as opposed to what we’re being told about how the virus spreads. 

The authorities want people to stay at home as much as possible. I’ve heard the Prime Minister even say, “go home and stay there”. 

That sounds pretty serious to me. It also sounds like a kindergarten teacher scolding his class of delinquent five year olds. 

But I get the picture that we are to stay in our homes. 

Yet we are also told that the virus is not floating around in the air everywhere. The virus doesn’t really float well; it’s more like it has to be flung at you. It gets passed when someone with the virus coughs on you, sneezes on you or maybe talks “on” you like Sylvester the cat. 

That’s why the six feet or metres rule. You can only fling the virus so far. Personally, I like the six feet over the six meters because it’s a lot less. 

But the one measurement that I like the best is the hockey stick rule: Stay a hockey stick length away. 

That idea was not really well thought out though because everyone’s hockey stick is different. For instance, I cut my hockey sticks way down, so they are well under six feet in length … maybe under five feet in length. … They wouldn’t do. 

I guess what I’m saying is that we need to stay clear of people, but we shouldn’t have to stay indoors. 

I played a little basketball on my driveway the other day. It was by myself, mind you, but I did win so I hope I don’t get in trouble for that. 

There were no people in the vicinity if potential sweat droplets got flung off my body. Then again, there was no sweat involved at all. The temperature was above zero but not high enough for any of my glands to be producing sweat particles. 

So that brings me back to the cars on the road … 

I’ve noticed people being very cautious when approaching an intersection. Any time a light turns red, I’m shocked at the number of cars that are stopping well back from the traffic lines. 

People are driving their cars like they are standing in line waiting to get into Costco.  

It’s like there is potential for my car to get too close and catch something, or like they’re afraid heat or exhaust from the engine might infect someone crossing at the lights. 

Let’s keep our distance. You never know if somehow something got into your gas tank and is now spewing corona to all the cars that pass by. 

… I don’t know for sure – and I haven’t heard any of our health experts comment on it – but I think we can drive normally … although driving like your car can get COVID may be normal for some people.

Here’s the thing: The message of what Christ did for us on the cross is the best news there is. It’s the news that everyone should know about and have a chance to respond to. However, for others to be exposed to the gospel message they have to have some proximity to it. Don’t be afraid of getting close enough to someone (while practicing social distancing) with the best news they can hear. 

That’s Life!


Question: How can you stay social while social distancing? Leave your comments and questions below.

I’m Solving The Spread Of The Corona Virus

I have figured out how to stop the spread of the corona virus. 

spread of Corona Virus

When something frightens the whole world – like a virus – we look for ways to contain it, to isolate it and eradicate it. 

As of yet, the world has not found a way to successfully curtail the spread of this virus. But I have a solution that will get us moving in the right direction. 

I believe sports has the perfect answer. 

I remember when the SARS outbreak hit our country. We went into a defensive mode to try to keep clear of anyone who might be a carrier. 

In our church we put hand sanitizers all around our foyers and encouraged people to use them. We stopped shaking people’s hands when they arrived and left the church building. 

And we even stopped our greeting time – the portion of our service where we say hi to one another and employ the good, old fashioned handshake. We cut it from our service altogether, and this important element was gone. As a church we lost some intimacy. 

Well, I can see us heading back in that same direction at church. 

The other day I still shook hands with many people, but I also did a number of fist bumps, elbow touches, and fake high fives.  

… One thing no one did was the bump – you know, that dance move from the 70’s. Funny … no one wanted to give me the bump.

So how will we keep corona from spreading? We need a way to separate ourselves from one another while we still function in community. We need a method that communicates to another person but enables us to keep a good distance. 

Football offers us a solution if we were to employ the usage of play signals. We could stop shaking hands and instead call out play signals to convey our warm greetings when we see each other. 

The signal might be “right, 5-90, Philadelphia, extend hut”. That could stand for “right” hand “5” fingers, arm at “90” degrees, “Philadelphia” is the city of brotherly love and “extend” your arm.  

… That could work, but this virus travels airborne so speaking could even be an issue. 

The best solution comes from baseball. Just watch a catcher do his thing behind the plate. By just using signals, he tells the pitcher exactly what kind of pitch to throw.

There is no talking and they can do it from a far distance. The catcher and pitcher are 60 feet from each other and they communicate perfectly.

We could have baseball signals that let people know we are happy to see them and look forward to having a great conversation with them when the corona virus threat is over. 

Problem solved!

Here’s the thing: To contain, isolate and eradicate sin in our lives, communication is the first step we need. Stopping the spread of sin in you life begins when you approach God with confession. Any other steps need to stem from this first one. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to communicate with God that you’ve held in isolation for a while now? Leave your comments and questions below.