One Last Tip On Weight Loss

I thought today I would write one last tip on weight loss. I had not originally intended to write a series of posts on losing weight – you can read them here, here and here – but it seemed that, at the end of each blog, there was something I needed to explain or add. 

One last tip on weight loss

Well, this morning I thought of one more thing and it’s an important tip. 

Simply put, pay attention to your body.

Sometimes we don’t do that; we don’t recognize when we are feeling just right. There is little consideration taken for how we feel. We just eat what we usually eat.

This morning after breakfast, I realized I felt really good. I was not too full and I was definitely not hungry.

People don’t think about their bodies as often as they should.

You go to McDonald’s and order the double Big Mac. Why? Because that’s what you order at the double arches. You don’t even think about what you need to be full. Maybe a single Big Mac will do.

One place where I find it difficult to focus on my body, rather than the food, is at buffets.

I don’t know how many times I’ve rolled out of a buffet wishing I had not eaten that third dessert. … It’s good that there are not many buffets around these days.

I do remember one time in high school when a bunch of the boys skipped a class and went all out on a buffet lunch. When we came back to school we went directly into the gym.

I was so full that I couldn’t run – it literally hurt to run. I couldn’t throw a basketball to the hoop. It was painful to stretch my arms because it pulled on my belly. 

It was the worst feeling in the world. 

I remember promising myself never to do that again. … That lasted until the next time I entered a buffet, saw food and ate it. 

Paying attention to how you feel is a powerful thing. 

If you can take just a minute to consider and gauge your state of satisfaction, you might curb your intake. In fact, I believe you will gain new will power to eat only what you need.

When you acknowledge that you like how you are feeling, you will want to keep feeling that way. The result will be that you will restrain yourself when it comes to what you stuff into your face. 

This is especially important at Christmas time when there is lots of food just laying around. 

For instance, right now our kitchen table is full of little dishes of candy, left over from making gingerbread houses. 

There are tins of cookies, not in the cupboard, but just sitting on the kitchen counter. 

A stroll through the living room also provides opportunity to snag a Ferrero Rocher or a couple of All-sorts. 

It’s everywhere, but if you take note of how you are feeling, that you’re feeling good, you will want to keep it that way.

And you can walk on by. 

Here’s the thing: There are lots of people who fill their lives full. They fill their ears and eyes full with sights and sounds. The result is they never take time to notice their spiritual condition. Are you empty inside? Are you filled with pain, sadness, or frustration? Is there something missing in your life? Whoever you are, it’s a good idea to take time to consider what is going on inside you. There may be a void that only God can fill. If so, fill it only with God.

That’s Life!


Question: How are you feeling right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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