I can see where this isolation is taking us – right back to the 70’s!

I’ve already started to see some people’s facebook pictures of what they looked like in their teens.
Why the photos? Well, with hair salons and barbershops closed, our hair is going to get longer … at least for the people who have hair.
I’ve already started thinking of how I might comb my hair after it reaches a certain length, because my present hairstyle is not going to work.
I’m also interested to see how many Donald Trump look-alikes start cropping up. You know, guys who are thin up top and have to start doing the combover.
It should be good for laughs … but it brings me back to a time that I don’t really want to go back to.
Back in the seventies, I could not imagine myself with short hair. Now I can barely handle thinking about what I would look like if I had long hair again.
The picture might give some ideas.
If we get to that place – and we’d have to be isolated a long time because I don’t think my hair grows as fast as it did back then – at least we have better resources now to deal with long hair than we did in the 70’s.
In the early 70’s, my hair would take upwards to an hour and a half to dry after a shower. If I needed to go out then my only recourse was to put on my mom’s hair dryer.
That’s right, I said “put on”.
That hair dryer had a base unit that generated hot hair which, in turn, flowed through a tube into a plastic bonnet-like shower cap that was perforated with holes on the inside.
I was quite a sight sitting with that dryer on my head!
When the first blowers came out, they barely had enough power to blow out a candle. The blower dryers we have now would have no problem drying my 70’s long, thick hair. They can pretty much dislodge the hair from my head if I’m not careful!
Until my kids were in their twenties, they had never seen me without a moustache or goatee. It was a tough adjustment for them to get used to looking at my clean-shaven face. If we end up staying holed up in our homes for a long time, my kids will have to get used to seeing their dad in a whole new way.
I wonder if having long hair again will make me look younger. In reality it will probably just make me look creepy, and who wants that?
So I guess either our isolation will have to end sooner than later or our premier will have to list hair stylists as an essential service and get them back to work.
Even then, think of the backlog of people trying to get their hair cut. We might have to wait another month just to get an appointment.
Here’s the thing: I think we are more concerned with how we look to other people than to God. Yet others don’t see us when we first get up or when we are sick; only God sees us all the time. He sees us when we are at our best, but also when we are at our worst. We should pay more attention to how we look to God than how we look to people.
That’s Life!
Question: What is your plan if our isolation lasts longer than one month? Write your comments or questions below.
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As cool as we thought we looked when we were young and had long hair, it looks a bit ridiculous now. Kind of like the cars with the big fins. Looked great then, look pretty silly now. I got rid of the long hair when I realized it just looked like an old guy who was trying to look young, or an old guy who still thought he was young. As you pointed out, it was also a lot of work. If we’re forced to grow long hair again, it’s probably a good thing we aren’t supposed to go out in public. It’s not the ’60s or ’70s any more. We should be glad we had that experience but glad that we moved on.
You are so right Don. I hope you were able to get a good laugh at this pic at my expense. Thanks for your comment.