Have you ever been surprised by a store that was closed at an odd time?

Since forever it seems stores have kept hours that really suited most consumers. But it wasn’t always that way.
When I was a kid there were no stores open on Sundays. And on holidays you had better have gassed up your car because there were no gas stations open either.
Times changed and slowly Sunday shopping became a regular thing. No one batted an eyelash when parking lots were filled on Sunday afternoons.
Since then stores have stayed open later and later into the evening. … Well, that was until the pandemic.
During the pandemic everyday life kind of shut down. You basically needed an appointment to purchase a few 2 by 4s from the hardware store.
When the pandemic ended, stores didn’t go back to the same hours they kept before the lockdowns. Most stores had routinely been open until 9 or sometimes 10 pm, but now 8 pm is more the rule for store closing.
There have been a few times that I’ve been caught by this new pattern. I’ve shown up to a few box stores at 7:59 only to find out that they were locking up.
There was also the time that I left my house at 8:01 thinking I had almost an hour to roam around Best Buy, only to find out that the lights were out and no one was home at 8:10 when I arrived.
Still, eight o’clock is sufficient for most shoppers to get what they need from a store.
But this doesn’t account for anomalies …
I went to college in Regina, Saskatchewan in the early 80’s. I remember a couple of times I needed to get something from a department store on a Thursday afternoon – nothing more normal than for a store to be open Thursday afternoons.
But I discovered Regina shut down on Thursdays. There was no shopping other than convenience stores and gas stations.
Thursday! …. Why Thursday?
I never found the answer to that one. You would think stores would be on a roll, ramping up for the weekend shopping. Nope. They just shut down in the middle of the week.
It was crazy to my way of thinking.
And so was this week for me …
My wife, Lily, had mentioned to me that we should try a Chinese restaurant we’ve never been to before. She had read some good reviews. She hadn’t taken anything out of the freezer for dinner so I suggested that we try it that night.
A couple of hours later we went online to look at their menu and choose what we wanted. Like Pavlov’s dogs, we probably spent five minutes salivating over the different dishes that were pictured on the menu.
Finally we made our decision. We were just about to order when we read their hours of operation: Closed Wednesdays.
What? …. Who closes their store in the middle of the week like that? I’m sure even stores in Regina are now open throughout the week.
What a disappointing blow. How then do you even recover to figure out what to eat?
It was a poor second choice but luckily Five Guys was open on Wednesdays.
Here’s the thing: We can be caught off guard from time to time in life. But there is a time we should never be caught off guard. That time is when we will meet Jesus face to face. No one knows when that will be, so the best way to not get caught is to start a relationship with Him now. Place your faith in Christ and, whenever the time comes, you will not face a closed sign.
That’s Life!
Question: When have you been surprised that something was closed at an inconvenient time?
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