It’s never a good thing when your Prime Minister – and in this case, Justin Trudeau – doesn’t like you.

It’s tolerable when someone who has no power or influence doesn’t like you. You can ignore that person; you can avoid him.
You can also surround yourself with people who do like you and support you.
But when the person who dislikes you is the leader of the country, you are in trouble. In fact, there is no way to ignore or avoid that person. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
And you should face the facts, Alberta: Justin Trudeau doesn’t like you.
And when I say that, I mean he really doesn’t like you … a lot.
Now, Saskatchewan, you might feel like he doesn’t like you either, but believe me, Trudeau really does like you compared to Alberta.
Alberta, I don’t know why he dislikes you so much. Maybe it’s because you don’t vote for him.
It could be that he doesn’t like you because his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, didn’t like you either. Maybe when Justin was young and heard his dad say “fuddle duddle” in parliament, he thought he was saying it to you.
Maybe Justin doesn’t like you because you have all that oil out there and he’s such an environmentalist that he sees you as the source of keeping us from making our environmental objectives.
Actually, no, that can’t be right because Trudeau just granted a Chinese company drilling rights off the coast of Newfoundland … but sent the US company, Tech, packing for trying to develop the Alberta oil sands.
Funny thing – both will produce oil and we know that all oil, whether it’s from the land or the sea, will impact the environment.
… If only Tech had been from China.
You see, I don’t think Trudeau likes President Trump or the US either.
The difference is that the US can afford to ignore Trudeau most of the time, and be annoyed with him the rest of the time.
It may have all started in 1982 when Justin Trudeau’s father took Justin on a train ride across Canada. Before the train had travelled through B.C. some protestors showed up in Salmon Arm with signs.
Justin’s dad signalled those protestors using his middle finger.
For the rest of the trip across all of Western Canada and into Ontario the Trudeaus were met with protesters throwing vegetables and even stones and rocks at their train car.
I think Justin Trudeau has been giving Western Canada the Trudeau salute ever since.
So Alberta, you see, his dislike for you is not really personal. He just doesn’t know better being brought up like he was.
His dislike for you is not his fault, and you should be tolerant of his dislike for you, of his moves to hurt your economy and stifle the oil industry on your land.
If you weren’t so land-locked and had some offshore territorial rights he could sell to the Chinese, then Justin Trudeau might like you.
Here’s the thing: Satan really hates you. He has no regard for you and wants to keep you from a loving God – a God who loved us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die in our place to pay for our wrongs. So don’t side with Satan. He hates you so much he wants you to join him in hell. Turn to God who loves you. Place your faith in Jesus Christ.
That’s Life!
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