I’ve noticed that when something is missing, something else always takes its place.

When you dig a hole in the sand, other sand falls in that hole to take the place of the sand that was removed.
Silence is like that. When no one is talking, there’s pressure to interject the silence with music or television or someone talking.
It is difficult to be in a group and ask a question. If the question isn’t answered immediately, the one who asked the question often feels compelled to end the silence and give the answer.
An empty garbage can doesn’t stay that way for long. Soon after it is emptied, new garbage is added to it. … It must be difficult working in janitorial services when all the cleaning they do is constantly replaced by more mess and dirt.
I remember watching Saturday Night Live, way back in the 70’s. One of the characters on the show was Roseanne Roseannadanna. The character was played by comedian, Gilda Radner.
Roseanne was a commentator correspondent on a comedy news segment. But Roseanne would always go off on a tangent from what she was supposed to be commenting on.
When the news anchor would stop her for being so off-topic, Roseanne would say “Jane, it just goes to show, it’s always something; if it’s not one thing, it’s another.” … And then she would somehow weave her off-topic story to fit the original story.
And Roseanne Rosannadanna was right. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.
This year we had a mild winter. We didn’t have much snow or even many snowfalls.
You might think that’s one thing that, when it goes missing, is not replaced by something else, but you would be wrong.
The snow was less and we had fewer times our church parking lot had to be plowed. The snow even melted sooner. But when the snow did melt, it uncovered something else because, if it’s not one thing, it’s another.
What has been left behind this year is an inordinate amount of sand and salt. … We will be able to add yards of beach to the shoreline of Lake Ontario this year. Kids will even love to lick it because of the high salt content.
We didn’t get all the snow we had the year before, but we sure made up for it in sand in the parking lot.
If it’s not one thing, it’s another.
Last year we filled the back of a pickup truck with the sand – this year it will be more like a pickup and a half or even two!
I don’t want anyone to think I’m not happy that we had such a mild winter. I would be ecstatic if every year was like this past winter, but I certainly don’t look forward to clean up day at the church.
It just goes to show you, it’s always something. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.
Here’s the thing: When it comes to the end of life, it will be the same. If we don’t go to one place, we will go to the other. If we don’t go to heaven, there is somewhere else we will go. That place is called hell. Now’s the time to ensure you’re going to heaven by placing your faith in Jesus Christ.
That’s Life!
Question: What is missing in your life right now that might be filled with something else? Leave your comments and questions below.
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