Leaders make good leaders, not drama teachers. Unfortunately, in our country right now we have a drama teacher acting in place of a leader.

… And it’s not working that well.
Don’t get me wrong, there are times when a drama teacher can look good as a leader. For years we have watched actors play the role of government official, president, head of state, and they do a very convincing job.
But that is all well-scripted.
When the leader of a country is a real drama teacher, it can work well when he has the right lines, and because he can perform in a convincing manner.
But when the script doesn’t fit, or the other people involved are not following any script of their own, that’s when the drama teacher leader shows to be a bad actor.
It is not easy to act as a prime minister or president. Maybe one of the best presidential acting jobs I’ve seen in a long-standing role was Martin Sheen in the West Wing. He played a great president in that TV show. He was believable, partly because he is a good actor and partly because he had a great script.
I never watched the series, but I understand that the actor who played Queen Elizabeth in the series, The Crown, did an outstanding job portraying her. In that case she not only had to act royally, she also had to try to impersonate an actual queen.
The drama teacher leader in our country might be trying to impersonate his own father from when he stared in the role of Prime Minister of Canada in the sixties and seventies. But I think he’s having some difficulty with the script right now. It’s not suiting his acting style so he’s being forced to act outside his comfort zone.
Instead of the crowds adoring him as such a great actor, the people of the country are wondering how long his show can stay on the air without getting axed.
Two weeks ago our drama teacher said we are a country that is governed by rules and laws and we will deal with protestors according to our laws. He said that in response to the blockades being put up at railway crossings across the country.
Activists are protesting a pipeline that is being built across aboriginal land. Some of the protestors don’t even know what will flow through that pipeline, and many of them are professional protestors, to whom the details are not as important as the protest.
Over the last two weeks our drama teacher has not used the laws of the land to stop the protests. It has cost Canadian companies and Canada millions of dollars. It has cost employees’ wages through layoffs.
But our drama teacher was just caught up in all the drama.
He even gave a detention to the opposition leader, claiming he disqualified himself from attending a meeting because of his speech in Question Period.
All the opposition leader was calling for was for our drama teacher to use the laws and stop the protests.
I guess the drama teacher liked the opposition leader’s speech after all because now he wants to do exactly what the opposition leader was calling for.
But like an over budget film, it has now cost Canada hundreds of millions of dollars.
… I guess we’re all paying to watch this movie?
Here’s the thing: In this world of ours, Satan is leading many astray through a variety of acting roles he plays. Don’t be fooled into believing this actor – what he will cost you is eternity.
That’s Life!
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