Wires can really make an area look junky. That’s what our television area was like – a tangled pile of wires.

Of course we tried to hide them behind a TV stand but, if you looked at the far side of the stand, the octopus of cords was visible, spilling out from behind the unit.
It just didn’t look good.
And honestly, it doesn’t take very many cords to make things look messy.
But that is our burden in the 21st century. So much in our lives runs on electricity.
Just think, there was a time when there were no cords. The only thing on the table by the wall was a oil lamp or candle stand.
Back then homes never looked like you needed an experienced seaman to come and harpoon the tentacles that were wrapped around the furniture.
… Oh, and how quickly an electrical cord can get tangled. It doesn’t even need another cord to fight with. One cord can tangle itself into knots.
It’s the price we pay for being able to plug things into the wall and have power, whether that is to light a lamp, or turn on a TV, a computer or other device.
Recently we got a new TV. … Yes, we got it just in time for the Super Bowl party we won’t be having this year.
Lily and I will really have to whoop it up by ourselves. I think I might even have a chance to win some of the contests I usually have for our guests. Maybe I will go all out this year on prizes and make them bigger and better than ever.
Back to the new TV …
Our last TV sat on a table/TV stand so all the cables went down and behind that stand. From the front you couldn’t see any cables.
The new TV, well, that’s a different matter. We wanted to hang it on the wall.
What a mess; it looked disgusting.
There is a two and a half foot space between the TV and the table below. On the table is a cable box, a PlayStation and a Wii. Some cables have to go up to the TV and some have to go down to the outlets.
Basically, there are 10 wires of different kinds and colours that have to go between the table and the TV.
I separated them all nicely and created a pattern of cords in that gap. I kind of thought it looked artsy.
Lily didn’t find it one bit artistic, so we needed a plan.
I cut two holes in the drywall, one behind the stand and one behind the TV. I ran the cable back and forth through those holes. Power cords, however, are not supposed to go through the wall like that, so I put an outlet behind the TV and connected it to the outlet below.
My entertainment area now looks like a scene from the 1700’s when nothing was connected – no wires.
Here’s the thing: I don’t think many of us would want to live back at the time of some of the great saints of the past, even though life seemed simpler then. Though the world we live in is messy, that should not stop us from becoming present-day saints, and working on cleaning up our messes and living godly lives. Seek more of what Jesus wants for you and you’ll be satisfied.
That’s Life!
Question: What’s a messy part of your life you should clean up? Leave your comments and questions below.
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